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Moving Out On Your Own! By Joe Kahler

Moving out for the first time is one of the biggest steps youll take in life. It not only represents your freedom, independence and a sense of growing up, it also tests your ability to make it on your own.

The first decision youll make regarding moving out is usually based on your situation. Will you rent an apartment or a house? Will you purchase a home? Or will you consider buying or renting a condominium or townhouse? For the sake of time we will lump this section into two categories, renting an apartment or a house. As with purchasing your first car, budget is going to be a major factor in determining all of the bells and whistles that will be attached to your first place. How many rooms? How many square feet? Do I need underground parking or a garage? How about a view of the mountains or downtown?

Since most of us will be renting our first place, we will begin there. There are usually two ways to go. You can rent month-to-month, which means you are able to move out whenever you want, but it also means the landlord can kick you out or raise your rent almost at will. The other way to go is a lease. The lease locks you into a predetermined number of months. For most apartments and condos, a one-year lease is standard. Landlords will usually charge you less if you sign a lease with them. Keep in mind that if you sign a one-year-lease and decide to move out after two months, youre still on the hook for the additional ten months. Make sure you really like living under that roof and plan to stay there for the lease period or you may want to stick with a month-to-month.

Whenever you rent an apartment or a house, there will always be a deposit required. This deposit will vary based on:

1. The amount of the rent.

2. Your credit score.

3. Are you signing a lease or renting month-to-month?

4. Is the landlord buying a new car that month?

5. Are you good looking (just kidding, if this one is part of the deal, then run, dont walk, to another rental).

You can usually expect to pay first month plus a security deposit equal to first months rent. If you are renting an apartment or condo, many times there is a reduction or special deal offered by the complex. For example, you may be able to pay first months rent plus a small deposit of say, a few hundred dollars. If you have pets, and the landlord allows them, you will be required to pay a deposit for the pet. In some cases, the landlord may require you to pay first months rent plus last months rent and a security deposit. The important thing to remember is to find out exactly what will be required before you sign anything.

OK, moving day. Youve taken ten minutes and packed up all your worldly possessions. Mom is standing by the door weeping because her baby is now ready to fly the coop. Even though you needed them to give you 20 bucks to go out last week, you are ready to be an independent adult. Dad is also standing by the door, but hes got a slight grin on his face. Why you ask? He is planning how to turn your room into his office or new entertainment center! But forget about that for now. Youve found the apartment, signed the rental agreement, paid your fees and are moving in.

Now what?

1. Have the phone turned on.

2. Have all the utilities turned on.

3. Have cable activated if youre using cable or even have a television.

4. Move all your stuff in (which is usually a bag or two).

5. Get some furniture in that place (beanbags are popular in first apartments).

6. Get some food in the fridge.

7. Make sure you have at least a towel or two and dont forget the toilet paper.

8. A vacuum cleaner would be nice.

9. Get hooked up for Internet access (might be part of your cable or phone service).

10. Get some plates and silverware and maybe a glass or two (you may get tired of paper plates and plastic silverware).

And this is just the beginning. Now you have neighbors to deal with. Neighbors on the right of you, neighbors on the left, and theyre stuck with you in the middle. Big, large, noisy neighbors walking above you like giants river dancing. Ah yes, the joys of apartment living. However, there are some advantages, like:

1. No yard work. Why? You have no yard!

2. No maintenance fees such as repairing air conditioning units, heaters, stoves, etc.

Renting a house is much like renting an apartment with a few advantages. The neighbors arent living in your walls or on your roof. There is a yard where you and your friends can frolic. And with a house, you will usually have a garage where you can park that new car you just bought in that last chapteryou know, the one that isnt running this week. Some apartments offer garages, but you will pay extra for them. Oh, and if you have anything other than a very small, compact car, good luck using the garage for anything but storage.

Joe Kahler is recognized as an expert on helping young adults successfully transition from home to being out on their own. His latest work has recently been assembled in his book, Out On My Own... Now What? Tips and Insights So You Wont Be Left Hanging in the Real World!

Joe received his undergraduate degree from Whittier College in Social Sciences and his Masters in Education from Arizona State University. His experience includes teaching, coaching, running numerous businesses, investing, selling insurance and real estate AND attending numerous personal, hard knocks training classes!


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